Sunday, September 5, 2010

Weekend Trip - Part 4 (Rainforest)

The Tirimbina Resort (recommend it- completely eco-friendly)
This picture doesn't capture his size, but this jerk was huge...and he was trying to steal our chocolate.
Howler Monkey... can you tell if it's a boy or a girl?
View from the Canopy Bridge
Baby Frog... (actually not a baby, just really small)
Giant Fig Tree
Cool Tarzan Vines
The Sarapiqui River
Rainforest (in general)
View from the Bridge
The obviously very sturdy and well-constructed bridge

That's right... I actually went into the rainforest. What an amazing experience! There are really no words to express the feeling you have walking through the rainforest; it was amazing. Here you see pictures of the giant, probably very unsafe, bridge across the Sarapiqui River that we crossed to get into the rainforest. Actually, the night before at around 10PM, we all decided to cross that same bridge using flashlights... which was probably not one of our smartest decisions ever, but we all survived. I saw leaf-cutter ants, one of the biggest forms of ants in the world, the cutest little baby tree frogs, beautiful birds, an angry howler monkey, lots of ugly bugs, and tons of plants, flowers, and trees that I've never even imagined. I even got to swing from a Tarzan branch! It was an awesome experience and I would recommend it to anyone. We even crossed a second bridge into the upper-canopy of the rainforest. The views were beautiful and the photographs cannot even begin to capture the essence of the rainforest.

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