Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thanksgiving... revisited...

So I wanted to let you all know about the Thanksgiving experience I had here in Costa Rica. As much as it was super nice of the ACM faculty to set up a lovely Thanksgiving lunch setting for us... they just couldn't top my family in the U.S. As you can see in the pictures, the setup was beautiful and the people were great. It is easy to think of only the AMAZING food and desserts on Thanksgiving, but only in being away did I realize that those were not the most important things. On Thursday, family and friends were running through my mind the entire day.

I think this picture explains my sentiments during the Thanksgiving meal. Look at the bitter sadness in my eyes...
The turkey was delicious though!
We also decorated the room with some paper snowflakes while listening to Christmas music.
We're talented 20-21 year olds... I know.
The place settings were better than the green potatos, non-sweet corn, and tablespoon full of stuffing.
The beautiful setup.
All in all, I really appreciated the effort and it was very nice to have something to occupy my Thanksgiving day. For the most part, though, Thanksgiving just wasn't the same. I now realize the the family I spend the day with is the most important aspect of the holiday. (I can't wait to fall asleep on your patio couch next Thanksgiving after 2 GIANT plates of food, Grandma & Grandpa!).

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